Friday, October 16, 2020

Short Film vs Feature Length Film

 Short Film vs Feature Length Film

    Hello, in this blog, I will be comparing both versions of the movie 9, the short and the feature length versions! The short film had the qualities of of simple action that the feature length film did not have. In the short film, there was no dialogue in the movie, which made the scenes much more simple, though in the feature film, the entire movie was filled with dialogue. I do prefer the feature film's dialogue over the short film's lack of dialogue, though in some scenes of the short film, it felt more dramatic than some scenes in the feature length film. In the short film, some things felt more realistic that matched the post-apocalyptic world such as the construction of tools, for example the flashlight. The flashlight being created in the short film was more realistic and complex than the flashlight being created in the feature length film.

    Now, for the feature length film qualities that the short film did not have was a lack of character development, true plot, and an expansive backstory and setting. There were only three characters being featured in the short film, while the feature length film had all 9 of the rag dolls featured, the Beast, the machine-creating machine, and numerous other machines. The short film did not even go into the backstory and setting of the world, while the feature length film covered everything we needed to know such as the war, how the world ended, and who the creator of the machine-making machine and the rag dolls was and how he contributed to the story even more. Looking closer at the war, the feature length film also had scenes of the rag dolls as they first emerged out on an active battlefield in the middle of the war and how terrible that war was. The scientist who created the machine-making machine decided to place the last of his effort and time into building the rag dolls who all of them together made up his soul, which I believe is such a unique and interesting backstory. Then next up is the animation, it is obvious that the feature length film received a much higher budget and higher quality animation team to produce the film, which still counts as an accomplishment the the feature length film had that the short film did not have.

    Overall, I enjoyed the feature length film far more than the short film. The short film did not cover a lot of information, plot, setting, backstories, and character development that the feature length film aced. I love many of the characters and how intense many of the scenes were. It is still very noteworthy how well the special effects were in the feature length film, like all the explosions, flames and the lighting effects. I also like the opening and ending credits of the feature length film, which matched very well with what the original short film had. The ending credits had the names of the production team rising up from the green-glowing, spherical machine in both the short and the long film. In the entirety of the short film and the feature length film, they were both fantastic and completed their jobs, though the feature length film just aced all of the things I would want in a movie. I really enjoyed watching and reviewing the short and the feature length film versions of 9, and truly do think they are both masterpieces for what they have accomplished, I love this movie so much!

Research 9, the feature flm

Research 9, the feature film

    Hello, in this blog I will be talking about my impressions of the movie 9, the feature film version that is based off of the short film that has been created by Shane Acker. I first watched the feature film version of 9, which was actually today, and I have a very positive impression on it. At first, I was amazed at how well made and animated this movie is, because I did not expect a feature film based off a short film to turn into such a well produced and animated movie! As a first impression when I first started watching it, I felt that the plot was a little bit lacking in all of the intense action and backstory fields, though as the movie started progressing, the plot and background of the ENTIRE WORLD just grew exponentially! The story of the war, the characters, and the machines are all very intricate. Even though this movie is only 1 hour and 19 minutes long, which felt pretty long at first, was actually very fast paced. As the plot thickened, the action also became bigger and faster, beginning with a few rag dolls trying to survive and hide from a mechanical beast that is hunting them. Then, when they were trying to save rag doll #5, who was taken by the mechanical beast, they encountered the beast again, who was trying to resurrect a machine-building machine that ended up causing the world to end. When they saved rag doll #5 and defeated the beast, the beast was trying to place a glowing spherical machine into the machine-making-machine, which was not known of until soon after. The result of rag doll #9 placing the spherical machine into the machine-making machine made it so that rag doll #5 got his soul absorbed into the spherical machine, and the machine-making machine started moving. Throughout the movie and the entire movie, this new machine was the main and final villain as it tried to create more machines and eliminate the remaining rag dolls, also the character development was especially very high.

    First off, #9 has a very special character development as he is the final rag doll made and he is the one who persuaded the other rag dolls to stop hiding in fear of the machines, though as he helped others, he also exposed them to danger, and in the end of the movie, he saved 3 of them. I feel the most character development comes from rag doll #1 as he throughout the majority of the movie, was the one controlled by fear and logic to run away from danger and to save people, though he had a very unique character design that allowed him to control his fear and save rag doll #9. He is the very first rag doll and he most directly represents the personality of the scientist who created all of the 9 rag dolls, who was always interested in the safety of all of the rag dolls, while this did not change at all, the manner of him saving the rag dolls did and has improved. At first, he wanted the rag dolls to hide and stay safe from the machines, then near the end of the movie, once the machine-making machine was just about to absorb rag doll #9's soul, he said "One must be sacrificed", just as he said when he sent #5 out to perish in the beast's territory, and jumped in and sacrificed himself to save #9. This shows another perspective of his true intentions and what part of the scientist's soul he truly is, the one to sacrifice himself to save others. I just now realized this as well, the scientist that created #9 also sacrificed himself, just as #1 did to save #9, creating an even closer connection to their backstories and life.

    Then for the special effects, the explosions, fire, and lighting were phenomenal, especially in the end of the movie when 5 of the rag doll's souls were released from the spherical glowing machine and put to rest as they were glowing a beautiful green with many special particle effects.

    Finally, the directorial style of the film is fantastic with every scene having a strong purpose and value that all works and flows together to produce this wonderful movie! My impression for the feature film 9 is very positive and I truly do love how creative, meaningful, and action-packed it is, making this movie one of my favorites!

Research 9, the short

 Research 9, the short

    Hello and welcome to my blog about my impressions on 9, a short film, produced mainly by Shane Acker. My very first impressions on it on how much the film focuses on visuals and action as it does not have any dialogue at all, making it very attentive to detail, plot, and action. As I have watched the full length film before the short film, I have a very detailed a great understanding of the plot. Now that I watch the original short film, I realize how much of the plot has changed. The plot in this short film features two dolls that try to survive in a post-apocalyptic world with a mechanical beast chasing after them. There is a key and important machine that glows green once activated, and there are two parts to it. Rag doll #5 has one part of the machine, and he gave it to rag doll #9 once the mechanical beast was nearing the both of them. This shows how important the machine was to number #5 as he sacrificed himself to save the machine and rag doll #9. Rag doll #9 went after the beast and lured it into a trap to beat it once and for all, then to retrieve the other piece of the green glowing machine. When both parts of the machine connected, the souls of the 8 rag dolls who passed away appeared and went to their individual graves and disappeared. Then before rag doll #5 disappeared away, he looked and smiled at nodded at rag doll #9. The plot is very straightforward, and the character development is very special.

    The character development is shown for mostly rag doll #9 as he is the one who once ran away from the mechanical beast, and then defeated it on his own. Rag doll #5 also has a very special character development as he sacrificed himself for rag doll #9. Once rag dolls #9 and #5 met again, this shows how they truly were friends and that both of their decisions were the correct ones that allowed at least one of them to survive.

    The special effects in this movie involve a lot of glowing and fluid shadows and lights. The lighting of this movie is very important because it is what defines the main characters and the good characters aside from the destroyed world and the mechanical beast and monster. The directorial style is one to create a very supportive animation style so that it covers all that the movie needs to have without making it feel cliché in some scenes and to overall create the feelings of action and the theme of "to do". My impression of this movie is positive and supportive because the movie covered the basic plot of a full length movie and you could understand all of the action very well. This movie is very creative, well made, and incredible with its plot.

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Genre Choice for Film

 Genre Choice for Film

    Hello, in this blog I will be choosing the genre choice for my film that I officially want to use. I am choosing the action/adventure genre for my film! I chose the action/adventure genre because it matches what I want my film to feel like the best! Of course I can add some comedic scenes in the movie, which is what I want to add, though I will be focusing on the action/adventure for the most part for my film.

    I was inspired to choose the action/adventure genre out of the three genres I chose to research because the first thing I thought of when thinking of a pitch was action and adventure. To make a film about two brothers working together and succeeding is very action filled and adventurous. The inspiration to continue with this genre is me remembering how me and my brother felt when we watched the Fortnite World Cup video about the winner of this world-wide Fortnite tournament who is nicknamed Bugha. The video is called "Bugha - Stories from the Battle Bus", which features a 16 year old named Bugha in Fortnite as he won $3,00,000 after being recognized as the world's best Fortnite player. This video was so well built and so inspiring that I truly decided to stick with the action/adventure genre. It reflects what I want my film to feel like and how I want to make my film. Seeing a 16 year old work so hard and succeed is truly inspiring, and the video on his success in the Fortnite World Cup inspired me to stick with the action/adventure genre for my film.

    The comedy and thriller genres match some parts of what I want in my film, though it is not what I want my films to be and feel mostly about. The action and adventure of the success in my film is what I want to highlight in my film. The story of Bugha winning the Fortnite World Cup inspired me and my brother about how awesome and legendary it is to truly win something that big. This film that I will be making will match exactly what I felt while watching this video, which is what I will accomplish for my film! I did not have to tweak my pitch because my pitch matches my thoughts and ideas that are in my mind for my film. I am choosing the action/adventure genre for my AICE Media A Level Final Task film because it best represents my thoughts and ideas on my pitch and film. Winning a Fortnite tournament is truly remarkable and action packed, and there is an entire adventure from the start to the finish. I will make my film action packed with an adventure story that will remake what the Bugha Fortnite World Cup story made me and my brother feel. I will make my film on two brothers winning a Fortnite tournament together an action and adventure film to make the film the best it can be and the best to make me and my brother feel the best about it together!

Genre Research - Comedy and Thriller

 Genre Research - Comedy and Thriller

    In this blog, I will be researching the comedy and thriller blogs for my movie! First off, the common CAMS, camera angles, movements, and shots in these genres are eye-level and high angles for the angles. Then for the movements, in comedies, tracking shots and tilts are used very much. Then in thriller movies, tracking shots, pans, along with tilts are used very much as well. Finally for the shots, many wide shots and medium shots are used for comedy and thriller movies, and specifically for the comedy movies, many close ups are used as well.

    First on the list, common sounds in the comedy genre are laughing effects and silence, to create a laughable atmosphere. Then for common sounds in thriller, up-beat and long-sounding music tracks are used a lot, especially silence is also used as well.

    Second on the list, common CLAMPS in the comedy and thriller genre are city clothing, then bright lighting, the acting has a lot of laughter and smiling in it, then for makeup, natural makeup is very common. Then for props, jewelry and rich cars are used a lot. Then for setting, most films take place in city settings with many people.

    Third on the list, common editing in the comedy and thriller genres are very quick transitions, brightening effects, and sometimes adding voice overs for comedic and tense reasons.

    Then for example films of comedy movies are Onward and Bad Boys. Another example is Scoob! Example films for thriller films are the Extractions and 21 Bridges.

 Next, I love comedy films because of how good they make me feel! I love all the laughter and the jokes, whether they be smart or have cringe effects to them. Then I love them even more because of all the bright jokes and emotions all throughout the movie. Then again I do not like them because dark humor may be involved. Then I love thriller films because they are very cool and exciting with all of the plot twists. I do not like thriller films sometimes because they may be scary and violent, which are things I usually do not like. This is my research blog on the comedy and thriller films, which are both genres I enjoy truly! 

Genre Research - Action/Adventure

                                                                Genre Research - Action/Adventure

    Hello and welcome to my action/adventure genre research blog and I will be showing my research on the action/adventure blog! I will be going over the action/adventure genre in detail and I will make sure I know all about the action/adventure genre!

    First off, I need to know the common CAMS in this genre, which are the common camera angles, movements and sounds. Common camera angles in action/adventure films are eye level and high angles, then common camera movements are tracking shots, tilts, and flash pans. Then finally common camera shots are establishing shots, aerial shots, close ups, and over-the-shoulder shots are all used in action/adventure films.

    Second off I need to know the common sounds in this genre, which are intense music soundtracks, running, explosions, and rhythmic sound effects.

    Third off, the common MIS-EN-SCENE in the action/adventure genre starting off with clothing have clothes that are usually expensive and are designed to look and function well for fight scenes within the movie. The common lighting in the action/adventure genre is bright such as daylight, a street lamp, searchlights, and car lights. The common acting in this genre is usually fighting, acting serious, talking seriously, and running. Then the common makeup in this genre is natural makeup, then there can be bloody and dirty-looking makeup used when the characters get hurt and and or dirty. The common props used in this genre are very standard, such as jewelry, weapons, and electronic devices. The common settings in this genre are in cities, rural areas, and places with human construction just like banks, hotels, tunnels, and sky rise buildings.

    Fourth in line for the action/adventure genre comes the editing, and the common editing in this genre involves quick transitions, adding CGI explosions, and adding other effects to make the movie look better and feel the best.

    Some example films of this genre are Mad Max: Fury Road and The Martian. The elements of this genre that I like are how cool and awesome the fights and the action/adventure all feels. It makes you feel hyped up. The elements of the genre that involve people getting hurt and possibly dying does not appeal to me. I do not like a lot of violence usually at all. This genre is very cool. I enjoy action/adventure movies a lot. The research for this genre was very easy to complete since I have a lot of background information on this. This blog highlights all of my research for the action/adventure genre! 

Genres I Would Like to Research

                                                                Genres I Would Like to Research

    Hello and welcome to another blog about my Final Task for my AICE Media Class A level this year! I am now diving into the topic on genres for my film, and my pitch idea has to match these genres. My pitch is about an adventure with two brothers as they work together to overcome a Fortnite tournament and beat it despite them playing on two unique platforms. The obvious genre that comes to my mind is first action/adventure. Then there are two other types of genres that also match the film I have in my mind which are the comedy genre and the thriller genre. These three genres are the genres I would like to research.

    First on my list for movie genres, the action/adventure genre is of course about action and adventures. My film from the very pitch describes a course of action and adventure. The action and adventure that are both represented in my pitch comes from two brothers winning a Fortnite tournament, this is the basic plot for my movie. Then I said that the two brothers working together playing on unique platforms, so this is also another source of action and adventure. I would love to research the action/adventure genre because it matches my film so well!

    Second on my list for movie genres, the comedy genre is about making the audience laugh and giving everyone a good time. With my film idea in my mind, I can very vividly imagine a comedic movie that involves playing games and having fun. Two brothers that are playing a cartoon shooter game together as they rise up to the top sounds like such a blast and making it comedic is what I exactly intend to to with my film, which is why I would love to research the comedy genre!

    Third on my list for movie genres, the thriller genre is to give the audience a feeling of fast pacing and a lot of things to think about. Through a thriller genre, my movie can very well match it because of the tournament and training aspect to my movie. With a tournament, the movie can feel very thrilling as people get moved up the leader boards so that they can win the prize at the top. Then before the tournament happens, there has to be training so that the two brothers will become the best they can be and succeed in the tournament, which both of these examples are why I would love to research the thriller genre!

    The top three genres I would like and love to research are the action/adventure, comedy, and the thriller genres. These three genres highlight what I want my movie to be about and what my film will feel like!