Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Genre Research - Action/Adventure

                                                                Genre Research - Action/Adventure

    Hello and welcome to my action/adventure genre research blog and I will be showing my research on the action/adventure blog! I will be going over the action/adventure genre in detail and I will make sure I know all about the action/adventure genre!

    First off, I need to know the common CAMS in this genre, which are the common camera angles, movements and sounds. Common camera angles in action/adventure films are eye level and high angles, then common camera movements are tracking shots, tilts, and flash pans. Then finally common camera shots are establishing shots, aerial shots, close ups, and over-the-shoulder shots are all used in action/adventure films.

    Second off I need to know the common sounds in this genre, which are intense music soundtracks, running, explosions, and rhythmic sound effects.

    Third off, the common MIS-EN-SCENE in the action/adventure genre starting off with clothing have clothes that are usually expensive and are designed to look and function well for fight scenes within the movie. The common lighting in the action/adventure genre is bright such as daylight, a street lamp, searchlights, and car lights. The common acting in this genre is usually fighting, acting serious, talking seriously, and running. Then the common makeup in this genre is natural makeup, then there can be bloody and dirty-looking makeup used when the characters get hurt and and or dirty. The common props used in this genre are very standard, such as jewelry, weapons, and electronic devices. The common settings in this genre are in cities, rural areas, and places with human construction just like banks, hotels, tunnels, and sky rise buildings.

    Fourth in line for the action/adventure genre comes the editing, and the common editing in this genre involves quick transitions, adding CGI explosions, and adding other effects to make the movie look better and feel the best.

    Some example films of this genre are Mad Max: Fury Road and The Martian. The elements of this genre that I like are how cool and awesome the fights and the action/adventure all feels. It makes you feel hyped up. The elements of the genre that involve people getting hurt and possibly dying does not appeal to me. I do not like a lot of violence usually at all. This genre is very cool. I enjoy action/adventure movies a lot. The research for this genre was very easy to complete since I have a lot of background information on this. This blog highlights all of my research for the action/adventure genre! 

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