Thursday, February 27, 2020

Editing Blog: Editing Problems Found

Editing Blog: Editing Problems Found
   This week I had so far two days to work on my editing part of the project. Since we only filmed half of our movie opening last week, we could only edit that much. We used two cameras to film our video last week, the one provided by the school and her own camera. We put the same SD card in both of them, which was owned by Taylor. When Monday came around, Taylor dumped the footage we had onto a school laptop with an SD card reader. That was the work we did for the editing stage on Monday. Two days later, on Wednesday, I attempted to retrieve a clip of me beating my brother from when I recorded. Taylor went to find it. She was also trying to edit on the editing software provided by the school on the laptops. I handed her my flash drive.

   After a few minutes of going on my phone, she told me she had a little problem. She could not find a few of the clips we recorded at her house on the files she had on her laptop. These clips were the ones she recorded on her own camera. She said she had no idea why or what had happened. Even so, on her laptop the rest of the clips could only be played through the editing software. I had figured that her camera had its own on board storage and saved the recordings by default there. She said she would check at home. I also had thought maybe her laptop does not allow her to watch the videos normally, so I tried watching it on my laptop. She copied the videos to my flash drive and the videos played normally. There were a few problems to start editing our film, but we are still working on them.

Monday, February 24, 2020

Filming Blog: Filming Half of the Movie Opening

Filming Blog: Filming Half of the Movie Opening
   Me and my group are now on the filming stage. In my other blog, two weeks ago me and my partner did not record. This was because she was busy over the weekend. Since then we arranged to have plans to film the next weekend. Now the next week after that, we agreed to film that weekend. Now that weekend has passed. We did film our movie, at least half of it. We decided to film only half of the film since it was day time and it was getting late on a Sunday night. When we were filming, we encountered some problems, but not too many that we had to change a lot of things. I went to Taylor's house yesterday to film half of the movie opening.

   I asked my brother Andreas if he would like to come and be an actor for the movie opening. I first wanted him to be a construction crew worker, but we did not find tank tops for him to wear that would not make him want to wear it. We then decided he was going to be the debt collector. When me and Andreas arrived at the house, he got the details and plans of the filming ready. We then started filming. However, the camera provided by our school died. We then waited for it to charge for a little bit. After a while, Taylor said we can use her camera, so we did. It had already passed nearly 4 hours by then. The filming at Taylor's house was finished rather longer than expected, but was completed.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Filming Blog: Not Filming

Filming Blog: Not Filming
   For our movie, me and my group completed the necessary work to start filming. We have covered the planning, researching, and storyboard process. The filming process is most likely the shortest one of the rest. However, it takes the most work to get it started. Including last week, me and my group has around three weeks to get our filming completed. We also have another week or two to retake our filming process in case there are some things needed to get fixed. The filming location Taylor suggested was her house. We will be using a camera provided by our teacher. To use the camera, we have to sign out the camera. We will also be referencing the storyboard to film with accuracy.

   Last week, me and my group talked about filming last weekend. It was the first weekend we were given time to film on. When the storyboard was finished, I talked to Taylor about some details about her house and whether or not it would be effective in replicating what was put in the storyboard. After talking, I realized her house would be a good choice for a filming location. However, when I went to class on Thursday, she told me that she could not film last weekend since she was busy and had plans. So in the end, we did not film over at Taylor's house last weekend. This weekend, hopefully Taylor is available to film. There are two weeks left to film, and the one or two weeks to retake our filming process of our movie/movie clips. We can even film during the weekdays if we can't film on the weekend. So overall, we did not film our movie/movie clips yet.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Planning Blog: Storyboard

Planning Blog: Storyboard
This is the Google Slides presentation document with pictures of our storyboard papers. The storyboard is basically the shooting script in pictures. It has our whole film in frames, pretty interesting. The boxes show him getting robbed and the debt collector being knocked out. We changed the debt collector being killed into being knocked out. The basic plot and looks of our film is put into this storyboard. There were camera shots, angles, and movements listed throughout each scene in the storyboard. The first five were drawn by Taylor. The last five were drawn by me, Peter; and I think both of our drawings are pretty cool. Me and my group hopes that this storyboard will help us understand and better imagine what our film is going to look like.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Planning Blog: Location, Participants, Health, Schedule

Planning Blog: Location, Participants, Health, Schedule   
   This is the general filming information Google Slides presentation. It consists of the location, schedule, participants, health, and safety. As of right now, this is where we're going to be and who's going to be and who's going to be in it, and such. For the schedule, I planned for us to get together and film this weekend to leave time for re-shooting. For the location, we're filming at Taylor's house (as you could see by the picture) and the house is not that long. It was just the photo being cropped to fit in the slide. The participants include Taylor, Peter, and Taylor's brother, Gregory. The overall for the health and safety is that we're all going to be extremely alert and observant to avoid any mishaps so for example considering getting hit by a car a mishap, we will not allow this. Another thing to point out is, the times in the schedule might change due to weather changes or availability. The amount of people coming might change, whether more or less people decide to come and help.

Planning Blog: Title Design

 Planning Blog: Title Design  
   This Google Slides presentation is going to explain what me and my group's title design would be like for our opening sequence. We covered the details of the fonts of the titles we are going to use. We also covered the contrast for the titles, like the contrast colors and sizes. Then we had to review what we are going to use for our spacing. The leading and tracking spacing are covered in here. Next came the working title, which was our temporary title we may use for our movie title. Finally, we answered two questions, the first talking about how will the titles enter and leave. The second question asked about how long each title will be on the screen. These two questions cover how the titles will act on screen. This Google Slides presentation covered the details on me and my group's  movie opening sequence for AICE Media.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Planning Blog: Dialogue and Sound Script

Dialogue and Sound Script
   This is the Google Slides presentation with our sound and dialogue script. These are outlines (for the most part) of what you'll hear when watching our film. Something we recently put into consideration, was the fact that the main character did not have a name, so his name is now Bruno. In this point, I'm very aware that things are definitely going to change and be added to what's going on. We wanted to make the two minutes sort of scary and confusing for Bruno. Like, if you read it, the plot development is intense. There are still scenes and lines of dialogue that we're contemplating on removing or adding to. There was a lot of talking and idea sharing to get to this point. I'm aware that this may not be all the sounds and dialogue lines, however we are going to continue making it better. My partner and I hope that this will work because it is a really cool and interesting idea.

Planning Blog: Shooting Script

 Shooting Script
  This Google slides presentation explains the camera angles and movements of me and my group's beginning of the film. It also has the character movements. It has eleven scenes with in somewhat deep detail of the action going on. I explained what the main character, Bruno, was feeling and his reactions in accordance to the plot. The scenes do not explain explicit details, since we are still yet to figure out everything. We will maybe add a few changes when the filming stages come around. This plot idea came from a pitch I explained a little while ago in one of my blogs. I did not have to explain the dialogue and sound in this blog since I will be posting a separate blog with that information. I feel like this idea for a movie will be hard to film since we are not too experienced and the spirit will be hard to get down. I am looking forward to filming these scenes when the time comes.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Title Research: The Dark Knight Rises

Title Research: Crime Genre
   I am researching the movie "The Dark Knight Rises". I got this movie off of

   1. How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences to the film?
There are 26 titles displayed during the opening sequences to the film.

   2. What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?
The images of newspaper articles and ice are prioritized in the opening sequence. The ending also prioritizes Batman's mask in the ice.

   3. What connotations do the images carry?
The images carry connotations of mystery and a hidden meaning. The mystery comes from the newspaper articles, all relating to Gotham City and Batman. Then the hidden meaning comes from the ice, does the ice represent the time of year? Does the ice represent something important that will happen later in the movie? All these images carry connotations of some kind.

   4. How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset?
The genre is reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset because of the dark and mysterious theme to it. The Crime genre typically has a symbolism, and the newspaper articles and ice happen to be a few of the many different kinds. Even the Batman mask serves as a symbol for the Batman movies, which are also Crime films. The editing and the lighting as well serve as technical codes affiliated with the Crime genre. The genre is reinforced through these symbolic and technical codes from the outset.

   5. How does this film establish an enigma from the outset?
The film establishes an enigma from the outset because of the way there is no context other than ice, the newspaper articles, and Batman symbols. We do not know who the man/woman moving the newspaper articles and manipulating them are. The question of why is this person looking at newspaper articles about Gotham City and Batman are all mysterious. The lack of information establishes an enigma from the outset. Also the lack of light as well establishes as enigma from the outset since we do not know the purpose behind it.

   6. What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?
The strategies used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience are the fast paced editing transitions. This makes it harder for the viewers to understand what the newspapers have to say and brings a feeling of action. They also make sure to hint at Batman enough to make the target want to watch this Batman movie. Also the music and sound effects such as the breathing of supposedly Batman gives the audience an anxious feeling. These are all strategies used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience.

   7. How has technology been used effectively?
Technology has been used effectively and for example through the camera angles. There are multiple camera angles on certain words or things such as a title. Then the transitions cut from one angle to another in a fast action. This also helps the fast paced action the movie brings. The editing for the lighting and the sound effects are used effectively since it continues the dark and mysterious theme to it. This shows how technology has been used effectively.

Title Research: Band of Outsiders

Title Research: Crime Genre
   I am researching the titles sequence of the Band of Outsiders film. I found it on

   1. How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences to the film?
There were around 20 titles displayed during the opening sequences to the film.

   2. What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?
The images of cars driving around were prioritized in the opening sequence.

   3. What connotations do the images carry?
The images carry the connotations of livelihood and a hidden meaning within the cars driving around. The cars must have an important meaning.

   4. How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset?
This genre is reinforced through the symbolic codes from the outset of cars. Cars are an important part of the crime genre and symbolize action. The technical codes also reinforce the genre since they aren't necessarily a specific figure, the hand-held camera shot is an example of this. This represents the crime genre in some smaller ways.

   5. How does the film establish an enigma from the outset?
The film establishes an enigma from the outset because of the repeated transitions between two men and a woman with no certain background hints. These men and women are mysterious and the repeated transitions are hard to understand.

   6. What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?
Strategies used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience are for example the fun music choice, and the anxious feeling to it. There are three characters, and a lot of cars. This is very interesting and gives the target audience a reason to watch the film.

   7. How has technology been used effectively?
Technology has been used effectively because of the way the camera is held. The hand-held camera movement is as simple as it gets and it really does match the way the cars move. The transitions as well are used effectively such as when the one woman and the three men kept getting edited to flash one person, then the next, repeatedly. The transitions were just cuts, and the editing was mostly to cut up three different clips and make them basically play over each other with the use of transitions.

Title Research: Kill Your Friends

Title Research: Crime Genre
   I am researching the opening sequence of the movie, "Kill Your Friends". This movie is a part of the crime genre. I found it on Here are the research questions I answered:

   1. How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences to the film?
There are 12 titles displayed during the opening sequences to this film.

   2. What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?
The images with the best look at the titles are prioritized in the opening sequence.

   3. What connotations do the images carry?
The images carry the different meaning of a messy room maybe after a party with the high amounts of alcohol and drugs shown.

   4. How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset?
The genre is reinforced through symbolic and technical codes since it sends the viewers the conventional themes of the genre. Alcohol and drugs are symbolic of the crime genre, since it usually appears in it. The technical codes are represented through the up close camera work at the symbolic codes, and the genre is reinforced with this.

   5. How does the film establish an enigma from the outset?
This film establishes an enigma from the outset since it makes you wonder why there is a girl laying naked on a couch with alcohol all around her.

   6. What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?
The creative use of the camera movement and the location of the titles in the opening sequence are used to appeal the target audience to the film.

   7. How has technology been used effectively?
Technology has been used effectively used with the camera angles, camera movements, transitions, and editing techniques. The camera angles are effectively use to present the titles the best in the room. The transitions go in and out of flashbacks, but the camera movement is still fluid with it. The editing use of the flashback effects and the music/sounds are used effectively as well.

Title Research: Columbiana

Title Research: Crime Genre
   On the website Art of the Titles, I found the title sequence for a film called Columbiana. I found it on the website Art of the Titles. We have to answer questions about what we saw in the title sequence.

   The first question was, "How many titles were displayed during the opening sequence?". I counted 18 titles in the opening sequence.

   The second question was, "What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?". The images that were prioritized in the opening sequence were images of the place they were in from above, (Mexico, maybe?). People in cages, helicopters, wildlife, and such.

   The third question is "What connotations do the images carry?". I connotations the images carry would be trying to make you uneasy or excited, maybe.

   The fourth question is "How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset?". The genre was reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset since I could tell it was a crime film. The main giveaway was the amount of guns and such. It's reinforced by the showing of the guns and other crime like features. The total feeling to it gives you that crime feeling, compared to other crime films.

   The fifth question is "How does this film establish an enigma from the outset?". The film establishes an enigma from the outset by giving enough imagery to make the audience develop an idea of what the film is about, but not enough to give away the entire plot. I'm trying to say they get a sense of "oh heck what happens next?" or a sense of interest.

   The sixth question is "What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?". The strategies used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience would be the use of aerial shots, the quick way the titles come onto the screen, the images of people counting money or just standing there, and such. The target audience is an audience that enjoys the crime genre and its components (suspense, etc).

   The seventh and final question is "How has technology been used effectively?". Technology has been used effectively in developing the feel of the crime genre. An example is the various shots used to show soldier looking people, people laying on the ground, a shot of a guys eyeball through a slit in a mask, etc. It shows the setting, which is cool, too.

Title Research: Art of the Title Website

Title Research: Art of the Title Website
   I am researching titles on the website Art of the Title. While going through the site, you can see a whole bunch of title sequences from different films. From this website, I observed how diverse title scenes are. Even if two films are in the same genre, the title scenes can be totally different from one another. I think it's really cool how you can make a living off of making people's names flash across a screen. I saw many interviews, summaries, and titles for different movies, some of which, dating back to the early 1900's. A downside was that what I was looking for was really hard to find. We had to research different title scenes for different crime movies. I was researching online for different movies on the website that were a part of the Crime film genre. I also had to research the title sequence of the movies that I did find to be a part of the Crime film genre. This research on Art of the Title was really thorough. I did learn what a Crime film genre title sequence looks like. Not only that, I also studied other various title sequences looking at different films to explore, which made me learn about the creative ways a title sequence could be made. The title sequences in the crime genre are especially creative since they usually mix in with the video itself. The Art of the Title website helped me and my group greatly in learning about titles in general and for the Crime film genre.

Title Research: Watch the Titles Website

Title Research: Watch the Titles Website
   I am looking at the site for title research. I need to research titles in order to understand how to make a beginning of a movie. This website specializes in movie titles and things related to it. What I saw when I was on this website was information about an event in Barcelona. Then as I looked around I found the Title Sequences section of it. This section included lots of movie titles and pictures of them. There were a lot of movies and helpful sections of the website to help me learn more about movie titles. I was researching different movie titles with the crime genre. I searched up the different movie title examples given and figured out if they were a part of the crime genre. I also used the search function on the website by searching up crime and no results came up. They did not have as many movie titles as other websites, however, they only included the most ingenious ones. I learned about the different styles used in titles, especially for the crime genre. I also learned what it means to make a good title. A good title needs to give you an understanding of the theme of the movie at the very least. This website is great for learning more about good titles.