Monday, October 14, 2019

Editing Lesson Blog

                Editing Lesson Blog     

     Today I learned how to use my camera and how to edit my footage. I will get sometime later a camera kit. This camera kit includes the camera, SD card reader, charger for camera and a USB cable. The camera is formatted to be handheld since it fits and stays put in the palm of your hand. We also get an extra camera tripod to get more stable shots. I need to fill out a form in order to receive our camera. I then need to get my camera and put the camera number on the form. This let's me and my teacher know that this camera is mine. If I borrow a camera I have to return it to school the next possible school day. I also need to store my footage onto an SD card that's supposed to be inserted into the camera.

     Soon, I was told that the camera battery lasts a long time but also needs to charge for a while. Once I put the SD card into the camera and save my footage on it, I can remove it. Getting the footage from the camera into my computer is what is called dumping. I plug the SD card into and SD card reader which is then connected to my computer. I make a new folder on my desktop screen and call it something I can remember it by. This folder is where I put the footage I dumped so I won't lose it. In order to access my SD card, I have to go to Files>USB>DCIM or if that doesnt work, follow USB>Private>AVCHD> the one following>Stream. Then drag the footage folder into your own. The editing program I am recommended to use is Pinnacle Studio. In order to import my footage into Pinnacle Studio, I have to go on the program and import from desktop>my folder.

    Conveniently, Pinnacle Studio is relatively easy to use since it gives a clear path to follow. First select your footage you want to edit after you imported it. The film is separated into three layers. The top layer is for your title and words to put in your film. The middle layer is where the actual footage is. The bottom and final layer is the sound. When placing the footage onto the middle bar, you have to wait for the green bar to disappear or else your computer can crash. For identifying a few things, the red bar is the "play" bar that pinpoints which part of the video is being played currently. The razor blade icon is used to split the clip the play bar is in into two pieces depending on where the bar is. To delete one of the pieces, you highlight it and press delete. To detach audio from the middle to the bottom layer, you follow highlight>right click>detach audio. Also to include titles and words, press the T icon and play around with it. If you want transitions, highlight the clip, right click and then open Effects Editor. Finally to save, press save, choose the mpeg 4 file (with highest resolution and quality), and then press export.

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