Planning for short film
Hello and I will be talking about all the general planning topics I need to cover for my short film in this blog! First up is the schedule, and though I do not have the exact date, I can cover over the general time. My filming can start as early as in December, though it will most likely take place during the month of January. I can record some of the game play clips before hand so that I can be ready to just record us pretending and/or actually playing the game later. Then, the location of the filming and the short film will take place at my house. The majority of the film or all of the film will be recorded in my room.
The participants have been decided already, and the participants will be me and my brother. My brother really likes the idea of doing it, which is something I want my brother to feel when completing the filming part of the process with me. Next up is the health and safety of my short film. There are no health and safety risks involved whatsoever. We will simply be playing Fortnite in my room, maybe even doing something else to lead up to us playing Fortnite.
Next I will be talking about the props in my short film. The props in my short film will be my PC setup that I will be playing on and the Xbox One setup my brother will be playing on. I did say in my screenplay that our desks will be messy, so we can include soda cans, food, papers, and clothes on our desks as props to make it look messy. More props that we will be using are our smart phones to talk to people online and to be notified that we were invited to play in the tournament. Then I will be finally talking about our costumes for the short film in this blog. The costumes are typical costumes that people usually wear when in their houses. We will be wearing casual clothes like t-shirts and short pants. There will be no excessive accessories involved, though me and my brother wear necklaces and bracelets so we will most likely not be taking those off, though they also add to the casual look. This is my planning blog and I wrote about the general fields I need to cover to move on with my short film project with an idea of how it will be and how it will work out. I had fun planning my short film and I hope this helps me complete my short film project better and with more professionally!
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