Final Task CCR Blog
After a long time of producing the movie, part of the final task, me and my partner, Taylor finally finished the CCR for it. We had the idea to highlight what is going on in the current world, which is the coronavirus epidemic, so we filmed it a little bit differently than what I assume the usual CCR would be. Since we are in a state of quarantine, which is held by most people here, is that we both stayed home and filmed the CCR. We filmed the CCR separately, but together. We held a Skype call together and we both answered questions and asked questions to each other. I filmed me asking her questions on my part of the film, and then she filmed asking me question on her part of the film.She used a camera to film her part on the left of her. I used a phone to film my part with my brother helping to hold it on the right of me. I filmed two questions. Taylor filmed the other two questions.
Then, I answered questions #1 and #3. She answered questions #2 and #4. I felt that the order of the clips for the four questions should be put into order of the questions, which is #1, #2, #3, and #4. Then, I had the feeling that if we are doing each question by swapping the role of who asks the question and answers the question, we should put the order according to roles. Now, it looks like the CCR was edited to be put in order of #1, #3, #2, and #4. Her clips were put first, then mine were. Also the way we actually answered and asked the questions in real time also follows this new order.
This CCR answers questions about our movie opening and I feel that we did an excellent job on this. The quality may not be the best, but I feel the way we honestly answered the questions was great and awesome. I feel like this CCR was answered, questioned, and completed the way it was intended to match our movie opening.
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